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Alive in Christ

by Timothy Radcliffe (Audio CD)

Door to Silence

by John Main (Audio CD)

Finding Freedom

by Terry Doyle (Audio CD)

From Brokenness to Wholeness

by Jean Vanier (Audio CD)

In The Beginning

by John Main (Audio CD)

In the Stillness of Time

by Allison and Geoff Waterhouse and Michael Bow (Audio CD)

John Main: Collected Talks

by John Main (Audio CD)

Like a Child

by Laurence Freeman (Audio CD)

Lord Teach Us to Pray

by Laurence Freeman (Audio CD)

Losing and Finding

by Laurence Freeman (Audio CD)

Loving the World

by Laurence Freeman (Audio CD)

Meditation & the New Creation in Christ

by Bede Griffiths (Audio CD)