Meditators on Meditation & Marriage

The experiences of those who do both

The contributors to this volume are people who follow a contemplative practice and have also entered into relationships of deep commitment with another person. They speak of the challenges and the sometimes difficult lessons that both of these pilgrimages can bring, as well as the surprises and inexpressible joy. 

What emerges is a moving series of portraits. The writers offer frank accounts of opening themselves to the risk of giving and receiving love, both in the intimacy of shared lives and in the silence of the ‘prayer of the heart’. Not shying away from marriage breakdown and divorce, each relationship is revealed as unique; as a gift and an opportunity to grow, held by the stillness and simplicity of meditation – the work of love.


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Product Details

ISBN: 978-1-9160958-7-8

Specifications: 200x135mm, 176pp

Publisher: Meditatio


Table of Contents