Children & Education

It is so important in this age where children are so distracted that we teach them meditation. We teach them the art of attention in order to cope with the fantastic force of distraction.— Laurence Freeman

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A Child's Way

How to Practice and Teach Christian Meditation with Children

by Jeannie Battagin

Born Contemplative

Introducing Children to Christian Meditation

by Madeleine Simon

Children Love to Meditate

by Ernie Christie & Cathy Day

Coming Home

A Guide to Teaching Christian Meditation to Children

by Ernie Christie

Frankie The Still Fox

by Ernie Christie & Mary Hosking

Learning to Be

Introducing Christian Meditation in the Classroom

by Meditatio

Learning to Be

Introducing Christian Meditation in the Classroom

by Meditatio

Like a Child

by Laurence Freeman

Meditação: Um presente para a vida

Diretrizes para meditação em escolas

by Meditatio

Meditación: Un Regalo Para Toda La Vida

Directrices para la meditación en las escuelas

by Meditatio

Meditation & Education

by Charles and Patty Posnett