Meditation & the New Creation in Christ

Referring to the search for God, Bede Griffiths says people today are looking beyond doctrine and ritual for direct experience. Christian meditation opens a way to this experience, to a passing beyond the ego and to an openness to our capacity for God – to a new creation in Christ. This healing and integration, he says, can lead to self-transcendence, to love, and to new forms of community offering a new vision for the future of the world family of religions. 

The talks are suitable as spiritual reading to prepare for times of meditation. Each talk ends with a chant because, Fr Bede says, ‘chants link us with the past of humanity’. 


These talks were given at the John Main Seminar in New Harmony, USA, in 1991.

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Product Details

Format: MP3 download

Number of Discs: 3

Publisher: Medio Media